

the era of

Cybernetic Purification

Living in a post-pandemic world is now more complicated than ever. We spend over 90% of our time indoors. From hotels to classrooms and office spaces, safety in our built spaces has never been more critical.

We imagined a way to bring intelligence into environments where people do the jobs that technology can automate. With complete visibility and controls at your fingertips.

The world asked for a better way to make people safe indoors. We answered with pūrnetIQ .

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Network Purification

the way of the future

  • Seamless integration

    The pūrnetIQ network is designed to seamlessly integrate into existing built spaces with minimal disruption to existing space design.

  • Environmental Control Software

    Control an entire facility from a single access-point remotely, increasing operational efficiency and space coverage while reducing human effort. Continuously.

  • pūrScore ®

    Leverage the power of continuous data to quickly determine where risks are highest in your space. Rapid, automated responses keep people safe where human intervention is difficult.

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